In news you may have missed, Apple awarded a bug bounty for more than $100k back in January. The bug identified was a clever and creative vulnerability in the Safari browser system which could have allowed hackers to exploit target systems, implant malicious files and code on host computers, impersonate users with accurate credentials, commandeer webcams and microphones, etc. This … Read More
Russia increasing cyber attacks globally — how to protect your business
As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine drags on — and global sanctions against Russia take firmer hold — cyber attacks coming from Russia have started to both increase in frequency as well as severity. For nearly a decade, Russia has perfected state-level cyberwar by practicing on Ukraine. Now, however, Russian-originated cyber attacks are leaking out to government entities and private corporations … Read More
Microsoft debuts New Commerce Experience, changes to 365
The various Microsoft 365 offerings are the backbone of many enterprises. A huge percentage of our clients and partners rely on some combination of Microsoft 365, Office 365, Dynamics 365 and Power Platform subscriptions. To that end, Microsoft has recently changed how these products are purchased and how they’re priced. The company is calling this the “New Commerce Experience” (NCE), … Read More
The stages of vulnerability management
Cybersecurity and organizational preparedness have never been more important than they are right now. Both will become more important with every passing week. More advanced, more pervasive and more destructive cyber threats crop up every single day, and your vulnerability management plan has to be up to snuff to keep your company and its clients safe. But where do you … Read More
Cybersecurity tiers: how to move from Tier 1 to Tier 4 of preparedness
Back in 2018, the National Institute of Standards and Technology released a report with a pretty bland name: Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. But in that report is one of the most useful guides for how to think about organizational cybersecurity, how to improve your cybersecurity and how to stay secure even in a rapidly evolving threat environment. We … Read More
2022 Cybersecurity Predictions
Sometimes, I wish I didn’t have to write about cybersecurity quite as much as I do. If it wasn’t such a dangerous and pervasive menace, I wouldn’t have to spend so much time researching it and writing about it. But as you can imagine, cyber threats are only getting more common, more widespread and more destructive. And for business owners … Read More
Your biggest cybersecurity threat in 2022 may just be… burnout?
There might never have been such a ripe time to experience professional burnout. We’re rounding the corner into Year 3 of a global pandemic; we’ve spent much of the last two years in some form of lockdown, juggling a new working reality all while figuring out child care, education, you name it… add in trying to maintain some semblance of … Read More
How Russian cyber weapons could impact your business
Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine is far from the first time Russia has exhibited hostilities toward Ukraine. Beyond the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Russia has been practicing and perfecting its cyber arsenal using Ukraine as a training ground for years. From physical infrastructure system attacks (like on Ukraine’s power grid), to devastatingly simple rogue worms that escape Ukraine’s borders … Read More
Data integrity: just as important as data security (but not the same)
We’re on a bit of a kick to define important terms in businesses’ approach to technology. Last month it was IT management vs cybersecurity management. Why are we defining things like IT management, cybersecurity management, data integrity and data security? Because properly framing the conversations around each can have profound impacts on how businesses can correctly approach these disciplines. In … Read More
Cyber insurance: why you need it, what it takes to qualify
We’ve written time and time again about protecting your company and its assets from cyber attacks. Threat vectors are multiplying in both form and function while the rise of ransomware-as-a-service should give any business leader nightmares for how accessible it makes carrying out sophisticated cyberattacks to would-be hackers. So what do you do? How do you protect yourself against downside … Read More
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