I think many of us who had the privilege of being able to work from home during this pandemic have gone through waves of a love/hate relationship with WFH. At first, we hated it because it was such a stark departure from our normal lives, and many of the collaboration tools and office etiquette wasn’t ready for a fully remote … Read More
Slack connect takes collaboration to a whole new dimension
Productivity tools have been on the rise since… well… the Industrial Revolution? I mean, in a certain sense, each industrial invention created during the Industrial Revolution was in some way designed to make things more efficient and/or productive. Not all that much has changed in the interim. It’s just that now, those productivity tools usually come in one of two … Read More
How to manage security threats in the new WFH normal
Work from home (WFH) has moved from a side effect of covid mitigation necessity to the new working normal for a lot of high-profile companies (Twitter, Facebook, etc.). Obviously not every company in the country can or wants to go full-time WFH, nor should they. But, some version of increased flexibility and/or hybrid working arrangements are going to become the … Read More
What to know about new malware if your company runs on Mac
Mac lovers have touted multiple advantages over Windows-based machines for years. These claims haven’t always been substantiated by real data, sure… but folks love Apple computers and have for a while now. One of the advantages claimed for years and years is that Macs are less vulnerable to hacking, ransomware, malware, etc. While that may have been true a decade … Read More
How the news endangers your company’s security
The news media catches a lot of heat for a lot of different reasons. Much of that is justified, some of it not so much. But regardless of where you fall on that particular ideological spectrum, if you own a business, the news can be a huge threat to your cybersecurity and IT reliability. Wait… what? I know, I know. … Read More
The FireEye hack shows just how vulnerable everyone truly is
Whenever a company or government is hacked, they usually call a cybersecurity forensic company to investigate: who did it, how did they do it, why did they do it, what were they after, and how do we protect ourselves going forward? One of the preeminent players in this space is FireEye — they’re experts on state-backed hacking (especially Russia) as … Read More
What the Slack + Salesforce merger shows about the future of work
Covid has revealed and accelerated business life. It reveals cracks in businesses’ foundations or shines a light on underlying strengths. On the flip side, it has most definitely accelerated the transition to the future of work being closer to today than tomorrow. The work-from-anywhere, communicate in whatever way you want future is now today. Zoom is now part of the … Read More
Why you can’t afford to follow the ‘break-fix’ model of IT solutions anymore
For decades, the primary working relationship between a business and IT looked one of two ways. In the first model, businesses may have had a person on staff tasked with keeping all the IT up and running (or in the case of large organizations, this might be a small department). Or, companies basically DIY’ed it, then called an IT servicing … Read More
Phishing attacks are more cunning than ever — what to watch out for
Despite the massive coverage of phishing attacks in the business press, industry press and more general press, it’s still one of the most prevalent ways hackers steal passwords. While consumers and employees alike are getting somewhat better at identifying phishing attempts, so too are hackers getting more advanced in constructing elaborate phishing schemes. The hardest place to identify phishing emails? … Read More
How to move your business from ‘respond’ to ‘recover’ post-Covid
Are we starting month 7 or month 70 post-pandemic outbreak? It feels like it was only yesterday and a lifetime ago that WFH became the new normal. And while there are a litany of problems facing us as individuals and as society, business problems are also core to the recovery. Without an economic recovery, there is no actual recovery. As … Read More
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