MGM Cybersecurity Breach: An Important Lesson for SMBs


Everything is interconnected today. Our phones talk to our computers, our cars, our refrigerators, our locks, our lights… The same is even more true for businesses — systems are designed to be integrated, creating seamless platforms and layers of connectivity to make working easier, more efficient, etc. But with that increase in connectivity comes a heightened threat from cyber threats … Read More

Lastpass hack proves how vulnerable we all are. Here’s how to fight back.

Lastpass hack

LastPass is one of the most popular password manager services out there. I love it and have used it for years. But even the most secure systems can be breached, unfortunately. To wit: Lastpass recently suffered a data breach that has raised concerns about the security of using such services. So, I want to explore the details of the hack, … Read More

How Russian cyber weapons could impact your business

cyber weapons

Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine is far from the first time Russia has exhibited hostilities toward Ukraine. Beyond the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Russia has been practicing and perfecting its cyber arsenal using Ukraine as a training ground for years. From physical infrastructure system attacks (like on Ukraine’s power grid), to devastatingly simple rogue worms that escape Ukraine’s borders … Read More