We write about cybersecurity a lot on this blog… and with good reason. Cyber incursions are more prevalent, more expensive and more top-of-mind than ever before. Regardless of the line of business you’re in, you quite simply have to take preemptive measures to keep your company, your people and your data secure. And given how important cybersecurity is now and … Read More
Your VPN might not be as secure as you think on iOS
A VPN, or virtual private network, is a hallmark of good cybersecurity defense. Most companies utilize some form of VPN these days, and with good reason. As Kaspersky puts it, “VPNs encrypt your internet traffic and disguise your online identity. This makes it more difficult for third parties to track your activities online and steal data. The encryption takes place in real … Read More
Child nearly dies because of ransomware attack on hospital chain
Ransomware attacks can often feel distant, or impersonal. A shipping company has some logistics problems, or a regional publishing company loses access to its computers for a bit. While we know these can be devastating financially for businesses (especially for small- or medium-sized businesses who may not carry cyber insurance), it’s still… just business. But a recent story from NBC News shows how ransomware … Read More
Cloud providers moving to ban basic authentication
Basic authentication has been the first line of cyber defense for decades. For many individuals and companies, it’s been the only line of defense (probably for too long, honestly). Despite the warnings of countless IT and cybersecurity experts (including us), too many companies still rely exclusively on on basic authentication to protect their IT infrastructure, corporate IP, etc. To that … Read More
Company without cyberinsurance on the hook for $668k scam
Cyberinsurance is one of the most important protections your business can carry, full stop. No business can exist without insurance coverage of some kind, be it worker’s comp, commercial liability, etc. But one of the most important entrants to the insurance market is cyberinsurance. What was effectively nonexistent 15 years ago is now a mission-critical must have for basically every … Read More
The most successful phishing attacks… come from you
It’s a bit exhausting being an online person in 2022. Hyper-vigilance is the price we all have to pay to exist online or work online, which is a prerequisite for almost any business these days (at least in some form or fashion). But, there’s no end to spam emails, phishing emails, malware, ranomware, you name it. As an individual, some … Read More
How to offset tax liabilities through shrewd IT investment
As we rapidly approach Q4 (or possibly have just entered Q4 depending on when you read this), one of the foremost concerns on many small and medium-sized business owners’ minds is their fiscal year tax liabilities. No one loves paying the tax man — obviously — but if you think ahead and plan shrewdly, you can invest in critical areas … Read More
Why you absolutely should update your iPhone iOS… now
Apple has been making their case to consumers over the last few months and years as the privacy-focused alternative to big-brother-ish Amazon, Facebook and Google (at least, that’s the implication in Apple’s PR positioning, anyway). But no matter how privacy and security focused you may be as a company — especially if you’re a massive, strategically vital company like Apple … Read More
IT budgets grow despite economic uncertainty
For years — maybe decades — management viewed IT as primarily a cost center. A necessary evil, at an often heavy expense, to enable the rest of the company to simply function. Given that prevalent mindset, most business leaders strove to keep IT budgets down as much as possible. The thinking went that if it wasn’t actively improving sales or … Read More
Living off the Land cyber attacks — your newest nightmare
We talk a lot about looming cyber threats out there. It’s a huge operational concern for businesses large and small. Insurance, backup, protection, you name it — we’re writing about it and talking about it with our clients and partners. What was a relatively small part of our managed services portfolio not too long ago has become a central tenet … Read More
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