In the last few months, the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex has seen an uptick in cybersecurity incidents that pose significant threats to businesses and public sectors alike. Just the last May, a ransomware attack wreaked havoc across Dallas, shedding light on the alarming gaps in our cybersecurity infrastructure. Our comprehensive analysis of the incident highlighted the urgent need for fortified cybersecurity … Read More
Cybersecurity threats soar in 2023: The cyber stats you need to know
Cybersecurity is no longer a “nice to have”… it’s mission critical. A friend of mine sent me a staggering — and I do mean staggering — collection of statistics last week that really hammered this home for me (which I’m calling “cyber stats”). But, despite companies taking greater and more frequent pains to protect themselves, the numbers speak a chilling truth: … Read More
MGM Cybersecurity Breach: An Important Lesson for SMBs
Everything is interconnected today. Our phones talk to our computers, our cars, our refrigerators, our locks, our lights… The same is even more true for businesses — systems are designed to be integrated, creating seamless platforms and layers of connectivity to make working easier, more efficient, etc. But with that increase in connectivity comes a heightened threat from cyber threats … Read More
How we’re using AI to help our clients
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been maybe the biggest news story on earth the past year or so. The emergence of ChatGPT kicked off a proverbial arms race between the big tech companies — all of a sudden, you had large language model AIs all over the place. Microsoft gobbled up OpenAI, the company … Read More
How to effectively manage remote work
As the CEO of Leverage, the premier Managed Service Provider (MSP) in DFW, I’ve always been committed to the proactive adoption and adaptation of new technologies that drive our clients’ success. Today, I’d like to share some insights about one of the most influential trends shaping the modern business landscape: remote work, and the crucial role MSPs like ours play … Read More
Rising Above The Rubble: Taking a Hard Look at Business Continuity
If business continuity and disaster recovery were people, they’d be those slightly annoying relatives always pestering you to be “better safe than sorry.” While you may get tired of hearing the same message over and over again, they are unfortunately prophetic when a disaster — sayyyy, like a data breach — decides to pay an unsolicited visit. Business continuity is … Read More
The ransomware state of the union
From January through March of this year, Sophos, a cybersecurity-as-a-service provider that specializes in managed detection and response, commissioned an extensive survey of IT and technology leaders to find out what’s really going on inside organizations with regards to cybersecurity (and specifically ransomware). The report for 2023 revealed some shocking findings we thought worth breaking down for our audience and … Read More
SiegedSec hacks city of Fort Worth — what to know
For businesses of all shapes and sizes, the security of your digital infrastructure is increasingly a critical priority. The recent cyberattack on the city of Fort Worth, carried out by the hacktivist group SiegedSec, underscores the pressing need for businesses to redouble their cybersecurity measures. So, what do we know about the attack, what can we learn from it, and … Read More
Why Your Employment Agreement Needs a Technology Clause
In the ever-accelerating era of technology, companies today are the unwitting custodians of vast digital fortresses. These fortresses— stocked with trade secrets, personal customer information, financial data, etc. —have become a veritable treasure trove for cyber-thieves. And it’s not only the rogues lurking in the murky waters of the internet you need to worry about; more often than not, the … Read More
Dallas ransomware attack: A wake-up call for cybersecurity
Dallas, our home and one of the busiest cities in America, is still grappling with a ransomware attack that occurred earlier this month. The Dallas ransomware attack forced our municipal court system to shut down — no court hearings, trials or jury duty, no ability to accept payments for tickets, etc. etc. This is obviously not the first time a … Read More
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