MGM Cybersecurity Breach: An Important Lesson for SMBs


Everything is interconnected today. Our phones talk to our computers, our cars, our refrigerators, our locks, our lights… The same is even more true for businesses — systems are designed to be integrated, creating seamless platforms and layers of connectivity to make working easier, more efficient, etc. But with that increase in connectivity comes a heightened threat from cyber threats … Read More

2FA for Enterprises: A Must-Have Security Measure


Businesses of all sizes live in the shadow of a cyberattack. Whether it’s targeted at your firm, or you just find yourself to be collateral damage, the threat is ever-present. A single data breach can have devastating consequences, costing businesses millions of dollars in lost revenue, damaging their reputation, costing legal fees, etc.. Your first line of defense? 2FA. Two-factor … Read More