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The State of Phishing in 2024

Phishing 2024

Phishing 2024

I wish we didn’t have to write this article every year (or multiple times a year), but phishing is not only not going away… it’s getting more sophisticated and pernicious every year. With that sad fact in mind, we’ve put together an updated list of industry themes and findings for 2024 to keep you (hopefully) one step ahead of the phishers this year and beyond.

Phishing is Still a Leading Cyber Threat

Phishing More Sophisticated Every Year

The sophistication of phishing attacks has increased year over year, with attackers using advanced social engineering tactics to target individuals and organizations.


Rise of Social Media-Based Phishing

AI and Machine Learning in Phishing Attacks

Deepfake Technology in Phishing

Other Phishing Trends to Watch

Phishing as a Ransomware Delivery Method

Focus on Small Businesses

Government-Backed Phishing Operations

So… yeah. There’s a lot to unpack there, obviously. Phishing is ubiquitous, pernicious and intensifying every year. It’s responsible for some of the most devastating attacks we learn about (and far more we don’t even hear about because the scale is smaller). It’s more important than ever to train your staff (and yourselves) to remain vigilant in the face of more cunning phishing attempts that are coming more and more often. Hopefully, this run down lets you know what to watch out for, what’s happening more generally, and where you may need to shore up your defenses (to that end, if you need help with that, drop us a line — we’d love to assist).


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