What’s true in life is also generally true in software: All good things must come to an end. And for Windows 7, that end is nearly in sight. Why Windows 7 is a big deal Consumers are used to updating their hardware to the newest, latest and greatest — especially when it comes to upgrading to the shiniest mobile models … Read More
Largest-ever trove of breached data discovered — what you need to know about Collection #1
Massive hacks shouldn’t come as a huge shock to anyone anymore. Unfortunately, global-scale hacks are becoming both more frequent and more devastating with every passing year. We’ve seen NotPetya wipe out tens of billions of dollars and cripple worldwide infrastructure. Marriott and Starwood Hotels lost hundreds of millions of users’ personal data, including both financial information, and in some cases, … Read More
7 New Year’s resolutions to keep your company’s data safe
In our first post of 2019, we laid out 4 areas of cybersecurity threats to watch out for in 2019; but telling you about threats isn’t enough to help you combat the malicious actors out there, so we also promised some New Year’s resolutions to help. So, here you are: 7 resolutions to help keep you digitally safe in 2019: … Read More
4 cybersecurity threats to watch out for in 2019
2018 saw a glut of cybersecurity disasters at some of the highest levels of industry and government. From the ~$10 billion NotPetya debacle to Marriott’s 500-million-guest-record theft (which actually started in 2014 and lasted 4 full years, to be fair), it was a banner year for digital criminals. This dangerous environment has cybersecurity as a top item on a lot of … Read More
Infrastructure hacking against the U.S. is proliferating — what does that mean for you?
As we wrote about last month, cyberattacks are getting both more complex as well as destructive. For so many people, this has only meant credit card companies sending you replacement cards from time to time, or possibly Equifax offering you free credit monitoring for a year after allowing a massive data breach, or an inkling that your social security number … Read More
Is voice hacking the next line of attack for threat agents?
It’s a brave new technological world out there, and it seems to reinvent itself every couple of years. What was inconceivable only a few years ago goes from Hollywood fantasy to ubiquity in the proverbial blink of an eye. Virtual assistants like Iron Man’s J.A.R.V.I.S. leapt off the screen and into our homes via Alexa and Google Home. James Bond … Read More
President Trump signs new federal cybersecurity agency, CISA, into existence
While it might not have made nearly as much noise as the Mueller investigation, midterm upheaval or Pelosi speakership drama, there was a piece of really important legislation signed into law late last week that could have major ramifications for how much of the U.S. cybersecurity apparatus operates now and into the future. The bill, known as the CISA Act, (for “Cybersecurity and … Read More
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain are all the rage — they’ve also inspired sneaky malware you need to know about
Not all malware is designed to extort. Much of modern cyberattacks do have some sort of ransom or monetary aim, and to be sure, the ransomware do tend to get a lot of the headlines. Other malware is aimed for anarchy, like we detailed in our last post about NotPetya, the most expensive cyberattack in history. But other malware is, … Read More
$10 billion lost, a global supply chain crippled, and a miracle mistake: A NotPetya primer — cyberattack of the century
If it hadn’t been for Somali pirates, Navy Seals or the Tom Hanks movie Captain Phillips, chances are you probably wouldn’t have heard of A.P. Moller–Maersk Group, or ‘Maersk’ for short. It’s one of those companies content to work in the background, unnoticed and unknown, while at the same time fueling the entire world economy. It’s one of the largest intermodal logistics … Read More
Chinese spies used a microchip to infiltrate 30+ American tech giants… here’s what you need to know
Last week, Bloomberg Businessweek dropped the bombshell of all bombshells when it comes to cybersecurity. Everyone knows hackers are an ever-present danger in our digital lives — whether its phishing attacks, DDoS attacks, WiFi attacks, whatever — we’re always having to be on the lookout for suspicious activity throughout our digital lives. But a legit and systemic hardware attack? That’s another … Read More
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