While it might not have made nearly as much noise as the Mueller investigation, midterm upheaval or Pelosi speakership drama, there was a piece of really important legislation signed into law late last week that could have major ramifications for how much of the U.S. cybersecurity apparatus operates now and into the future. The bill, known as the CISA Act, (for “Cybersecurity and … Read More
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain are all the rage — they’ve also inspired sneaky malware you need to know about
Not all malware is designed to extort. Much of modern cyberattacks do have some sort of ransom or monetary aim, and to be sure, the ransomware do tend to get a lot of the headlines. Other malware is aimed for anarchy, like we detailed in our last post about NotPetya, the most expensive cyberattack in history. But other malware is, … Read More